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Happy Kids with Books


Parents' Stories: Testimonials

"I definitely feel better equipped to relate to my kids in a more caring way, without so much “them” versus “me” thinking. 
I feel my parenting has improved no end. 
I learnt to apply boundaries and create clear-cut positive “space” between me and my kids.
I did this by stepping away from conflict and giving them greater ownership of their responsibilities.
I would definitely recommend this course to any parent who would like to gain practical parenting skills that can be used from day one. 
Meeting like-minded partens and hearing that your parenting issues are fairly universal is a great relief! 
Also the teacher is fantastic and fun!"

Mary Duggan

"I was really reluctant to do this course. I didn’t like the thought of someone telling me I was doing things wrong with my kids because really it was my kids who needed to take a course, not me.

Thankfully “you’re doing it wrong” isn’t The message of the course and when I went along, and from the very first week I was just amazed. Week on week, I understood my children’s perspective better, I was more open to them, and I started correcting my own behaviour. My home started to get calmer, more fun, and really just nicer every week.

I used get really stressed by the kids, I wanted them to follow rules and it was an ongoing loop of power struggle after power struggle. The course offers really simple understandings of where those struggles come from, and gives really simple tools for managing them. Putting the advice into practice changed everything in our home: our interactions with the kids got so much better, the children’s interactions with each other became so much more positive, and even my interactions with my partner were nicer. We all became better to one another.

Obviously, the course isn’t a magic wand, and it didn’t turn us into the Brady Bunch. We still have a very normal life, the kids still don’t want to get up for school, they annoy each other and us, and sometimes our best intentions go out the window and I yell at them for splashing water all over the bathroom floor (did that just happen a few minutes ago? Yes, and the neighbours all heard.) But the bottom line of it all is that the course gave me and my family tools. Those tools have helped to build a calm and loving home, and they have helped build our confidence in our abilities as parents. It gave me strategies to find the good, resources for what to do when I’m going mad, and an understanding that we are a team that will always be there for one another. 

I’m now watching my kids grow up into people that know themselves, that can stand up for themselves, are empathetic and kind towards others, and open to new experiences and that is thanks in no small way to this course. I am so enjoying being their mom and that’s the biggest gift the course gave me: I am so much more relaxed and that lets me just enjoy being their mom."

Ria, mum of 2

"I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop.

For the hundreds of articles I have read online, I took away more from this session. 

I found it very effective to sit around the room with other parents, we all have similar issues and it was just nice to see it's not just me who has doubts. I am doing everything I can to nurture my child for life."

(Workshop Participant - Name withheld for privacy)

"My parenting skills improved dramatically.

I became a more confident father with my increased knowledge. I began speaking with my children in a more respectful manner and recognised that they will learn from and tend to mimic my behaviour.

I learned that for them to respect my space, I must respect my space and their space.

I would recommend this course to others because I am now more in tune with my children and because so many aspects of our lives have changed for the better."

(Name withheld for privacy)

"I feel more calm, confident and patient about my parenting after doing the course.

I would absolutely recommend it to others.

It taught me to listen more and be present with my kids.

I saw the benefits when I saw my children 'applying' it with each other."

(Name withheld for privacy)

"After doing the course, I felt more confident as a parent & felt less likely to lose control.
Better able to predict situations & manage outcomes. 
I learned to offer choices, to be more patient, to understand how children view the world, what is important to a child & how to be a loving effective parent while maintaining my personal beliefs on child rearing.  
I would recommend this course to others without a doubt.
The skills you gain are lifelong and ultimately benefit your children.
Every parent wants to do the very best job they can do and this course helps you to achieve this and also to learn from others sharing their experiences."

(Name withheld for privacy)

"After attending the 1-day course I took comfort in knowing that others go through the same thing, it was a great bunch of people.  
It was great to get practical tips that I could apply to realistic situations. I think there’s lots more to learn as new challenges always arise.                                            
I now make sure to give plenty of eye contact and go down to my child’s level and stop what I’m doing and turn to face him a lot more when talking to him.

I’d recommend this course to others as it’s so easy to get caught up with life and miss moments of need from our young children which may have a big impact on their life when they’re older.
Helping them to communicate well, by example, when they’re young will hopefully help them throughout their whole life."


"I feel I am much more equipped to manage different situations and help my children grow. 

The course was very helpful to me, I try now not to just tell my children how to behave but explain their are consequences to their actions.

We let our children get more involved now in chores and decisions so they feel they are contributing.

Also encouraging and praising their actions has been beneficial. 

I would recommend this course, it was a lovely relaxed environment, no one judged anyone, parents are experiencing the same challenges.

It is well spent time and money."

(Name withheld for privacy)

"My life lenses have widened immensely after doing this course.

There is a much stronger understanding off our environment and what our triggers are as parents. 

Applying my new understanding of self takes constant work and effort. 

It is however very fulfilling now and not filled with the old guilt /pity /anger etc. 

Every parent or parent to be will find a greater understanding of our triggers and how they have a knock on effect on our nearest and dearest. 

This is a loving and gentle discipline course and which I can safely say changed  my whole life view and gave me an integral understanding of development growth love and acceptance."

(Name withheld for privacy)

"We found the courses most helpful, we returned for several!  We would strongly recommend them to anyone concerned with parenting"

(Name withheld for privacy)

“My daughter was not getting on well with her friends in play-school.
I was receiving frequent calls from the staff and felt absolutely helpless about her behaviour when I was not there. 

After working with Annett and changing my own reactions at home, I felt pleasantly surprised when her teacher called me to say that my 4-year old is now finding her way and has become so much more gentle with the friends in her room.
My daughter is now enjoying going into play-school every day. "

Online parenting course participant 

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