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Wed, 24 Nov



Brand New: 4 Week Evening Course - The Work

Byron Katie's method of inquiry has revolutionised the way I parent my children. It has helped me find out when I need to be a mother and when I can be myself (Annett) being in the same room as my children.

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Brand New: 4 Week Evening Course - The Work
Brand New: 4 Week Evening Course - The Work

Time & Location

24 Nov 2021, 20:00 – 21:00 GMT


About the Event


  • 4 week evening course (24Nov, 1Dec, 8Dec, 15Dec)
  • Wednesdays 8pm - 9pm
  • Online (Zoom)
  • Find a quiet space in your home and leave the world behind you
  • Every person can take part for an introductory fee of €80
  • For more details on this method, see

To not always have to be a parent but come back into my own business has been one of the most empowering tools of my whole life.

What I am sharing in this short course before Christmas will help parents and non-parents alike in finding more peace and calm.

This method which Byron Katie discovered is a simple yet profound way of asking yourself whether your beliefs about others are true or not?

You carry a lot of beliefs with you, often created in early childhood.

Without questioning these and simply believing that it's true, you may project these beliefs onto the other.

For example:

One morning, my then 6 year old son was delaying us getting out the door before school:

I was so stressed that I completely overreacted and demanded him to leave his lego behind.

My belief was that my son doesn't love me if he doesn't obey me.

When I questioned my assumptions, I discovered that my son just wanted to show me his lego he built all morning.

With some distance, I was able to see that looking at his construction would only take a couple of minutes extra.

If I take the time to question the thoughts behind my behaviour towards my children (or any other being), I always see an Annett who is much kinder and has more empathy to people around her.

What I discovered last Christmas was that I create all the stress and I can choose whether I dread or enjoy the festivities around me.

I would love for you to free yourself from the beliefs you may have stored inside for a  long time and get to enjoy yourself no matter what mood others are in.

Are you interested?

Then please complete the booking form below and join me.

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