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Solutions, Skills and Parenting Tools for:

Strong-willed child

Screen-time, Smartphone

Not listening

Social media behaviour

Sibling rivalry


Dawdling & getting dressed  

Being on time



Shouting & name calling


Parental self-care



Parenting when separated



Blaming & Shaming

Grief and losing a loved one





Tidying and helping 

Too competitive

Teenager rebels or retreats

Video games & Addiction 

Lying and stealing

Partner's parenting style

Impatience & frustration


Bad habits

Feeling guilty


Young child saying 'NO'

Not co-operating

Respecting others


Perfectionist child

Making mistakes

​Hurting & hitting

Relentlessness of parenting



What would parenting be like
if it was effortless?

Girl Brushing Dad's Teeth
My parenting approach is effective, here is why:

Touch to play video

Parents' stories

How it will transform your parenting:

"I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop.
For the hundreds of articles I have read online, I took away more from this session. 
I found it very effective to sit around the room with other parents, we all have similar issues and it was just nice to see it's not just me who has doubts.
I am doing everything I can to nurture my child for life."

3 Offers to start your day in an effortless way 

Thank you for your interest.

Preparing Jams
My Services

Your parenting will be changed forever

  • Effortless Flow (9-month Membership)
    Effortless Flow (9-month Membership)
    You will see your progress and feel proud
    You will see your progress and feel proud
    You will see your progress and feel proud
    Find support from fellow parents who are on this journey with you. This confidential and safe space lets you know that you are not alone.
  • VIP Offer (for Very Interested Parents)
    VIP Offer (for Very Interested Parents)
    Virtual or In person
    You are going to be changed forever
    Virtual or In person
    You are going to be changed forever
    Virtual or In person
    You are going to be changed forever
    This offer has all the answers to your questions about parenting. Your investment into your relationship with your child will be felt forever.
  • Effortless Introduction (1:1 Private Support)
    Effortless Introduction (1:1 Private Support)
    Your deserve a calmer home
    Virtual or In person
    Your deserve a calmer home
    Virtual or In person
    Your deserve a calmer home
    Virtual or In person
    Your parenting will be changed forever. You have everything you need, inside of you.

My name is annett.

I am the mother of a teenage daughter and

my son is in his tweens. 


My children are the reason why I know what I know and teach me daily what I still need to learn as a parent.

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